Guidelines and Important Information

  • Please read all of our emails in their entirety. We only send them when we have important information to share with you.

  • 7:00-9:00am and 4:00-6:00pm are our busiest times of day, during that time our phones are set to go to voice mail, please do not call multiple times.  Leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Our phones and voicemail are not monitored on weekends, as the front office is closed.
  • Do not allow your dogs to “meet” other dogs on leash in the lobby or parking lot or allow them to jump up on other dog/ humans. Please keep in mind that some of the dogs coming in are here for training, and may not be dog friendly or could be leash reactive. We don’t want any client or dog to have a bad experience. For that reason, we require that adults only walk the dog in or out.
  • For everyone’s safety, please do  not “crowd” the lobby. Again, some of the dogs coming here are for training and can be very reactive to other dogs or even humans. If you see several people with their dogs in the lobby, or waiting near the door to be brought in, please wait outside the door until the lobby is less crowded.
  • Please potty your dogs before entering the building.
  • If your dog is showing ANY signs of illness (coughing, runny nose or eyes, diarrhea), or has an injury (limping, etc.) or open wound , PLEASE do not bring them in to daycare or K9 Camp.
  • If your intact female dog is showing any signs of entering a heat cycle, they cannot come in for daycare, training or boarding. Once their heat cycle is finished, they will need a bath before coming back.
  • Boarding drop offs and pick ups are outlined in your confirmation emails; please keep in mind that weekdays are between 9:00-11:00am and 2:00-5:00pm only(even if they are attending daycare/training). Weekends and Holidays are 9:00am sharp or 5:00pm sharp only.
  • If you need to change your weekend/ holiday pick up or drop off time, please notify us as soon as possible via email. Our telephones are not monitored on weekends or holidays.

Important Information regarding Daycare

  1. We are reaching daycare capacity now on a daily basis, this makes reservations necessary. Reservations must be made through the client portal, at least 24 hours in advance. We cannot make reservations via phone or at the front desk.
  2. We are unable to answer the phones in the morning regarding whether or not we have daycare openings, if you’d like to leave a voicemail for a return call after 9:00am, please do so.
  3. Drop offs for daycare are from 7:00-11:00am only, pickups are from 2:00-6:00pm. We are closed weekdays between 11:00am and 2:00pm to cycle our employees through lunches and still provide adequate coverage in daycare, the front door will be locked during this time.
  4. We close at 6:00pm on weekdays, all daycare and K9 Camp dogs must be picked up prior to 6:00pm. Pick ups after 6:00pm will be subject to late fees. If you are stuck in traffic and unavoidably late, please call and leave a voicemail, we will hear you leaving it, and you will not be charged a late fee.

To keep your dog’s daycare approved status:

  1. Behavior: if we notice behaviors that could be undesirable in daycare (aggression towards daycare attendants or other dogs, excessive mounting, digging up floors, trying to “escape” the daycare area, excessive rough play that can lead to bad interactions, starting fights, constant excessively high energy, etc) we will notify you that your dog is in need of further work with the trainers before they can continue to attend daycare.
  2. Minimum visits of 2-3 times per month (dogs absent from daycare for extended periods of time will be required to attend K9 Camp days to re-integrate into the daycare pack).
  3. Consistent late pick ups after 6:00pm will result in losing daycare privileges (we don’t mean the occasional call of being stuck in traffic, etc, but consistent late pick ups).

  4. Abuse of the daycare reservation system: “Place Holding” for example, if days are consistently reserved and “no call/no show” or not canceled through the portal multiple times.  For the first infraction the client will be warned , if the behavior continues after a warning, reservations will be canceled and the dog will lose daycare approval. This is to keep the reservation system fair for everyone.